
Welcome, and thank you for visiting the website for Empowerment from Within, LLC. As the name of the practice suggest, we believe that navigating life's challenges means empowering individuals to access both the internal and external resources they need on their life journey. Those resources are within reach for everyone to assist and guide them in making changes in their own lives, their relationships, families and communities. Most people long for belonging and connection with others, and belonging to one's self is the foundation for finding belonging and connection with others.

Life-giving living starts without judgment and meets the individual where the person is currently at in their lives. Transformative services encourage individuals to find the courage within to allow healing in their lives.

These are some of the goals that are emphasized in the services provided by Empowerment from Within, LLC:

  • Encouraging individuals to make choices and direct change
  • Encouraging individuals to live more mindfully and in connection with themselves and nature
  • Encouraging the concept of change from within
  • Encouraging those with newly acquired power to imagine their futures
  • Encouraging individuals, especially children and adolescents, to invest in themselves through knowledge and skills

We applaud you for your courage in seeking someone you can connect with and feel safe sharing your life story with and wish you many blessings on your life journey!


  • Individual and family therapy
  • Transpersonal & spiritual services
  • Nature-based services
  • Expressive arts
  • Shamanic services
  • Animal-assisted therapy
  • Supportive groups
  • Personal, directed retreats and rites of passage
  • Somatic and energy work


Services are offered from two locations. The north Fort Collins office is ideal for individual and group therapy and is a more traditional office setting.

In addition, the other office is located at Wilder-Nest Retreats in the foothills near Masonville. This location is perfect for nature-based services with both individuals and groups as well as shamanic practices, psychotherapy, retreats and group work. Wilder-Nest Retreats is located on 100 beautiful acres in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains in Loveland, Colorado. The land there is a sanctuary from the stressors of everyday life.